A Little Rain Must Fall … Or Raindrops Falling on My Head




I love rainy days.
I love to curl up in my soft, overstuffed chair with a cup of tea and some cookies and listen to the rain.
Of course, I also have a book in my hand, it is perfect reading weather. I love the sound so much I have a machine that plays gentle rain sounds when I go to bed at night. You can even download the sounds of rain on your cell phone or computer at rainymood.com. Caution: it will relax you and could put you to sleep!

It was an ordinary Friday. I did errands in the morning and ended up at the grocery store as I usually do. A few clouds dotted the sky and the sun was peeking through when I left the store with a basket of groceries. I glanced up at the sky thinking the weatherman was wrong again it was going to be a nice day.

Was I ever wrong! I was putting the groceries into the trunk of my car when the sky opened up—it felt like someone or something threw a bucket of water on me. Dare I even mention that one of my earlier errands was the hairdresser? Now this was not a gentle rain, this was not Dancing in the Rain type of drops; this was a sideways gush of water almost knocking me down.

I quickly shoved the dripping sacks into an already water-soaked trunk and hurried to get in the car. When I opened the door the wind shifted and the invisible entity poured water on the seat—there was a puddle where I had to sit. Feeling somewhat insulted I sat down in it and drove toward home, I had no choice.

You can imagine the feeling as I squirmed in water with more water dripping out of my hair and down my face—not good, not good at all! Now I am not much of a singer, but alone in the car is another matter and songs kept running through my head, Come Rain or Come Shine, Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head, Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall, and Willie Nelson’s Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain, and I finally had to laugh. There are just some situations that are so ridiculous all you can do is laugh. After all, it was very clean water from Heaven!

I got home and dripped my way through the house and got out of the drenched clothes, and I mean all of them. I had a doctor’s appointment so I rushed to dry my hair and repair the mess as best I could. I unloaded my car, and it took three large, thirsty towels to soak up the standing water and another to pad the driver’s seat. I made the appointment in a relatively dry condition—however my mood was still a little wet.

Some days you just can’t win—it was raining when I came out so without hesitation I joined the group of dry people sitting on benches under the portico and waited!

I’m sure there is a moral to this story and something I need to learn, but I’ll leave that to your imaginations with this final thought….

“Be still, sad heart! And cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall

–Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

About Betty Kerss Groezinger

Betty Kerss Groezinger, a native Texan, was born in Dallas. She was a legal researcher for President Harry S. Truman in Independence, Missouri, taught business courses at Rockhurst College in Kansas City, Missouri, and on her return to Dallas, she worked for more than a decade with advertising agencies. She has been a resident of Irving, Texas, since 1965, and is now working on the sequel to The Davenport Dilemma.
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6 Responses to A Little Rain Must Fall … Or Raindrops Falling on My Head

  1. Donna OReilly says:

    Love this, Betty. Miss seeing you!


  2. Celesta Kathleen Weise says:

    Great story – and only you could make a dreary, soakingly uncomfortable experience so lovely to read! Amazing talent; Amazing YOU! – Celesta


  3. Nathalie says:

    What fun to read, Betty!!!!!! As always, you put into words what I, quite often, feel. Nothing nicer than snuggling up on a rainy day!!!!!
    Blessings, my Frien!


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